My laptop is bec liao lo.. But after that many things happen till i lost my mood. Yea the fellow know what happen actually! I dunwan to mention here!!
Forget about it. I dunwan to recall liao. Every time recall sure cry die me 1.
This thursday i having brass band workshop, from 8am until 5pm, 3days continuously. Yet thursday i have AC round table discussion, friday i go eat Jogoya. ISH ~ Y things come clash tgt? Dun care le! Jogoya eat ding liao!! >< NOTHING CAN STOP ME GO EAT JOGOYA!!!
Next week will start study week le, and i not going bec. If i go bec i sure wont study also, and i got my roomate acc me. Hehe.. XP
Ah My Laptop
My laptop spoilt!! Friday morning, after I woke up, wanna open laptop to on9 as usual, baru found that cant open!! Tried N times ady, sms here sms there ask what happened to my laptop. Then I sendiri found that might be is my hard disk problem. HOLY SHIT!! After that my senior came and took my laptop go check. Feel sorry to him coz he actually in busy yet still come to take my laptop to check. Later he told me really is my hard disk problem coz cant even format. OMFG damn sad.. all my notes, my p.masa perancangan, and also the pics, J-rock PV, movies, animes, ALL GONE!! :'( I have to redo my perancangan also, and the deadline is this wed.. but luckily, Siew Feng and he lend me their laptop, therefore I finally finished doing my assignment.
Jerry helped me go Kajang bought the hard disk. At here I really feel thankful towards him. He always help me by my side. Yet, I can't understand, why he so emo after that. All the words he said to me really made me cried. Well, this was the 2nd time i cried bcoz of him. But he said me jia jia there. Damn sad.. T.T
Until now, laptop hvnt been sent to replace the hard disk. My senior said will bring me to Times Square on Monday to let the Acer Centre ppl check, and to claim warranty also. I hope that day my laptop can recover le.. Yet still, all the softwares also gone.. (i am computer noob, i dunno whr to find all them back..) Can I trouble Jerry again? Yet I feel he still angry towards me.. doushio? :'(
Jerry helped me go Kajang bought the hard disk. At here I really feel thankful towards him. He always help me by my side. Yet, I can't understand, why he so emo after that. All the words he said to me really made me cried. Well, this was the 2nd time i cried bcoz of him. But he said me jia jia there. Damn sad.. T.T
Until now, laptop hvnt been sent to replace the hard disk. My senior said will bring me to Times Square on Monday to let the Acer Centre ppl check, and to claim warranty also. I hope that day my laptop can recover le.. Yet still, all the softwares also gone.. (i am computer noob, i dunno whr to find all them back..) Can I trouble Jerry again? Yet I feel he still angry towards me.. doushio? :'(
Random writing (24/3/11)
My 1st year wanna end lu ~ start from next sem, i will 'upgrade' to senior lu. old ady ~ haha! XD
2nd year 1st sem all my classes are on morning de lo ~ 4days 8am and only 1 day 9am. WALAO!! means i cant sleep at 3am liao lo.. haiz.. :(
P.masa presentation and project ady finished, but the weekly planner hvnt start to do yet and the deadline will be next wednesday, see how i die. TITAS also finished le, 2day will pass up the paper work. Academic communication group project ady 7788 le, left some part hvnt done. (waiting for group member to send me his part nia. =.=) Next tuesday will be round table discussion, and i will play the role of an environmentalist. >< dunno what i wanna talk, hope last time d incident wont happen again.
Through fb, i know 1 senior, he is in the same p.masa class with me d, but v never talk. I added him coz accidentally found his fb acc. haha! Then v gt chat, until about 4am that day. The next day, he fetched me go TITAS, after that v having dinner tgt in kiy cafe b4 he sent me to microbiology lab test. Friday, he took me out to eat lunch and dinner at half way to Kajang. Monday was his bday, he took me out also, he belanja me lunch, then i belanja him Secret Recipe's cheese cake lo.. I feel i very sui bian lo.. Just know each other not more than 1 week then follow ppl out liao. Well, what i wanna say is, he is very caring that when rain, he took off his jacket to let me wear. Gt asked him b4, y he so friend with me? He said that i and him r same type d ppl, also alone de, and my personality is like his sister. (Swt..) Ok, read until here, plz dun misunderstand, i and him nth 1, he ady gt gf liao de, hahaha! XD
I and my course d seniors not like that shou 1, duno how say la.. Our bond not strong, our relationship seems only remain in exchanging notes and asking questions about our course nia. Therefore sometimes, i will feel a bit envious of them who very shou with their course senior de lo.. But nvm , at least i still gt very shou d seniors also, although v not same fac. wakaka! XP
2nd year 1st sem all my classes are on morning de lo ~ 4days 8am and only 1 day 9am. WALAO!! means i cant sleep at 3am liao lo.. haiz.. :(
P.masa presentation and project ady finished, but the weekly planner hvnt start to do yet and the deadline will be next wednesday, see how i die. TITAS also finished le, 2day will pass up the paper work. Academic communication group project ady 7788 le, left some part hvnt done. (waiting for group member to send me his part nia. =.=) Next tuesday will be round table discussion, and i will play the role of an environmentalist. >< dunno what i wanna talk, hope last time d incident wont happen again.
Through fb, i know 1 senior, he is in the same p.masa class with me d, but v never talk. I added him coz accidentally found his fb acc. haha! Then v gt chat, until about 4am that day. The next day, he fetched me go TITAS, after that v having dinner tgt in kiy cafe b4 he sent me to microbiology lab test. Friday, he took me out to eat lunch and dinner at half way to Kajang. Monday was his bday, he took me out also, he belanja me lunch, then i belanja him Secret Recipe's cheese cake lo.. I feel i very sui bian lo.. Just know each other not more than 1 week then follow ppl out liao. Well, what i wanna say is, he is very caring that when rain, he took off his jacket to let me wear. Gt asked him b4, y he so friend with me? He said that i and him r same type d ppl, also alone de, and my personality is like his sister. (Swt..) Ok, read until here, plz dun misunderstand, i and him nth 1, he ady gt gf liao de, hahaha! XD
I and my course d seniors not like that shou 1, duno how say la.. Our bond not strong, our relationship seems only remain in exchanging notes and asking questions about our course nia. Therefore sometimes, i will feel a bit envious of them who very shou with their course senior de lo.. But nvm , at least i still gt very shou d seniors also, although v not same fac. wakaka! XP
We Are Nothing
黄明志的新歌:We Are Nothing
Open your eyes ya'll
This is a wake up call!
For those ignorant people of the world
打开报纸 又是一堆杀人放火
又是吵架 面红耳赤你争我夺
又是政客 在胡言乱语 show off (Diam lah!)
又是明星 在绞尽脑汁炒作 (Oh please loh!)
每个人 都想展现自己与众不同
诱惑太多 荣华富贵 怎样 都不够
来继续堕落 快来继续卖弄
你还有什么 你还想证明什么
你说你 能征服所有一切 当你拥有一切
你说你 能面对所有困难
所有的困难 都是过眼云烟
你说人定胜天 水来土掩
如果天塌下来 你会把它当棉被
哈哈!有一天 可能就在今夜
山崩地裂 你也只能躲在棉被
We're nothing at all, We've got nothing at all.
When you're trying hard to be the king of the world.
We're nothing at all, We've got nothing at all.
Can't you see that we're only hurting this world?
劫 是逃不过的劫
埋怨人类做的一切 是时候做个了结
它一步一步 来摧毁一处一处
你只能痛哭 只能痛苦
只能对着尸体 来表现你的无助
你的车 你的名牌 你的钱 你的房子
流着泪 望着天 等着判决
排着队 等着灰飞烟灭
闭上眼 睁开眼 刹那之间
一瞬间 变成了 一万年
废墟中找寻不到 记忆里幸福的家园
We're nothing at all, We've got nothing at all.
When you're trying hard to be the king of the world.
We're nothing at all, We've got nothing at all.
Can't you see that we're only hurting this world?
Can I catch my breath before I say 'i love u'
Can we kiss again under the poison rainfall?
Can I hold you tight until tomorrow?
Or tomorrow... There'll never be tomorrow...
看见灾难很惊世 它有什么样的警示?
还是 你只是看看电视?不关你的事
继续放肆 继续无耻
犯了一生的罪 沾了一身的秽
天盖之下 地載之上 一群无知的人类
以为出类拔萃 都在自我陶醉
We're nothing at all, We've got nothing at all.
When you're trying hard to be the king of the world.
We're nothing at all, We've got nothing at all.
Can't you see that we're only hurting this world?
We're nothing at all, We've got nothing at all.
When you're trying hard to be the king of the world.
We're nothing at all, We've got nothing at all.
Can't you see that we're only hurting this world?
We're nothing at all, We've got nothing at all.
When you're trying hard to be the king of the world.
We're nothing at all, We've got nothing at all.
Can't you see that we're only hurting this world?
Australia Brazil Chile China Haiti Malaysia USA New Zealand Sri Lanka Taiwan Thailand Japan
Who's next?
【转载】学习~15 个让你坚强微笑的理由... 会过得好点
1、记住。 不是所有人都是真心。 所以、不要那么轻易的就去相信。
2、记住。 不是所有人值得你付出。 所以、不要那么傻的就去给予。
3、记住。 不是所有人都会背叛。 所以、不要那么狠的断绝该有的情。
4、记住。 不是眼泪就可以挽回失去的。 所以、不要轻易就流下你的珍珠。
5、记住。 不是乞求就可以得到。 所以、不要那么没尊严的活着。
6、记住。 不是伤心就一定要哭泣。 所以、不要那么吝啬你的微笑 。
7、记住。 不是善良就可以受到庇佑。 所以、不要那么轻易的就心软。
8、记住。 不是你认为可以给予就给予的。 所以、不要那么轻易许下承诺。
9、记住。 不是所有表情都要写在脸上。 所以、不要那么轻易的泄露你的想法。
10、记住。 不是所有说爱你的人都爱你。 所以、不要轻易付出你的爱。
11、记住。 不是所有说不爱你都不爱你。 所以、不要残忍的去伤害他们。
12、记住。 不是任何人都理解你。 所以、不要固执的以为谁对谁错。
13、记住。 不是你做的不够好。 所以、 不要悲悯的以为自己一事无成。
14、记住。 不是只有你一个人在努力。 所以、不要轻易的就放弃。
15、记住。 不是爱你的只有你自己。 所以、不要以为他们抛弃了你。
下个sem,他可能被kicked out from KIY。一想到这,就真的会流泪。(现在也在流着了)
下个sem,他可能被kicked out from KIY。一想到这,就真的会流泪。(现在也在流着了)
【转载】哭了、誰還會心疼? 累了、誰讓我依靠?
沒有人知道我的無助 沒有人知道我的寂寞,
沒有人知道我的不開心, 沒有人知道我的不快樂, 沒有人懂我理解我心疼我。
不知是時間變了,還是 : 自己變了。
我哭了,誰會為我而心疼.. 累了,又有誰能讓我來依靠..??
多姿多彩的大学生活 Part 1
这sem开始,是PAP Pusat 和 KIY。然后是BSMM MMB。现在我又进Temasya Highlander的 AJK logistik,要做什么的我都不知道。只要能帮clear KoK 和 stay comm就可以了。哈哈!
还有还有,我变懒惰了。喜欢ponteng class,原来ponteng class也会上瘾的。真的是汗啊!><
昨天BSMM AGM 了。我这个practical可以说是fail的人,在面试时说了那样的话,(非常坦白的,让senior们傻眼的)也真的给我拿到KS I这个职位。既然拿到了,就要全力以赴,努力做吧!^^ 不过鹰华我应该是没有份了。看来BSMM与鹰华真的只能选一个。唉算了,我跟那边的人不是很熟罢了。这点是我遗憾的地方。:(
明天会去孤儿院。去的主要motif是因为可以clear十个小时的credit hour。另外,我从来没去过孤儿院,想借这次机会和一帮人一起去,参观参观,玩玩游戏。看一看孤儿院是怎样的,他们怎样一起生活的。这个感觉是一个不错的经验。当然,和senior们培养感情也是不错的。哈哈!(我是一个蛮现实的人,LOL)
这三年的大学生活,不想白白浪费。如果只是整天读书,on9 fb,那真是太浪费了。
这sem开始,是PAP Pusat 和 KIY。然后是BSMM MMB。现在我又进Temasya Highlander的 AJK logistik,要做什么的我都不知道。只要能帮clear KoK 和 stay comm就可以了。哈哈!
还有还有,我变懒惰了。喜欢ponteng class,原来ponteng class也会上瘾的。真的是汗啊!><
昨天BSMM AGM 了。我这个practical可以说是fail的人,在面试时说了那样的话,(非常坦白的,让senior们傻眼的)也真的给我拿到KS I这个职位。既然拿到了,就要全力以赴,努力做吧!^^ 不过鹰华我应该是没有份了。看来BSMM与鹰华真的只能选一个。唉算了,我跟那边的人不是很熟罢了。这点是我遗憾的地方。:(
明天会去孤儿院。去的主要motif是因为可以clear十个小时的credit hour。另外,我从来没去过孤儿院,想借这次机会和一帮人一起去,参观参观,玩玩游戏。看一看孤儿院是怎样的,他们怎样一起生活的。这个感觉是一个不错的经验。当然,和senior们培养感情也是不错的。哈哈!(我是一个蛮现实的人,LOL)
这三年的大学生活,不想白白浪费。如果只是整天读书,on9 fb,那真是太浪费了。
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